Three 45s and A Bit of History

by Administrator 19. May 2022 15:50


We don’t have anything too out of the ordinary for you this month, just three 45s you are bound to love. Our artists of the month include A.B. White, Billy Watkins, and Danny White. Enjoy reading this month’s post and learning a little bit of history about each of our artists. As always, leave us a comment and be sure to use the provided links to listen to the 45s online!


A.B. White: Check Yourself / Don’t Love Him Like You Love Me


Label: T&L 601.

Label Owner: Tommy Brown and Liz Lands.

Label Address: 26 Pine St. Atlanta, GA. 253 MErritts Ave, Atlanta, GA. 1380 Hyde Park Blvd, Chicago, IL. (1966-1967)

A Side: Check Yourself

B Side: Don’t Love Him Like You Love Me


If you close your eyes and listen, what do you see? I imagine me driving in my imaginary 60s mustang, cruising down an old dirt road with the windows down. You won’t find much information online about A.B. White, but the music is the only thing that matters here at Parker’s Records anyway. Check out the 45 using the link below and order it today!


Sound Clips and Order Information 


Billy Watkins: Maybe Tomorrow (I’ll Find Time to Cry) / Waiting for the Robert E. Lee




Label: Dan Mar 100. Released 1970s.

Label Owner: Hollywood, CA

A Side: Maybe Tomorrow (I’ll Find Time to Cry)

B Side: Waiting for the Robert E. Lee


Bartha L. Watkins, known as Billy Watkins, had an impressive music career. He was most popularly known as being a member of The Zion Travelers before investing in his solo career. Later in life, Billy became a minister and started his own Freedom of Spirit Church in Southern Los Angeles.


Listening to this 45, it is of no surprise Watkins was influenced by gospel, soul and christian music.


Sound Clips and Order Information


Danny White: Never Tell Your Friend / Make Her Mine


Label: Frisco 106. Released in 1963.

Label Owners: Connie La Rocca and Hal Atkins

Label Address: 1140 North Claiborne, New Orleans, LA. (1962-1963)

A Side: Never Tell Your Friend

B Side: Make Her Mine


Joseph Daniel White, known as Danny White, was born in one of the greatest music cities in the US - New Orleans. Between school and church, Danny was constantly surrounded by music and influenced at an early age. At the start of his career, Danny spent time in the Marines which ultimately led him to performing on stage and in clubs during his time in service. He formed Danny White and the Cavaliers and pursued his solo career among other musical endeavors.


Sound Clips and Order Information


If you are interested in purchasing one of these 45s from Parker’s Records please write down the Artist and Song Title while listening to the sound clips to make for an easy checkout experience. You can make purchases using our secure form.

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